14 Nov A Comprehensive Guide to Foot Gait Analysis
If you have persisting pain while walking or running, you may need a foot gait analysis to get relief from it. Gait is how you move your entire body from one point to another, like walking, hopping, running, etc. 3D gait analysis based on high-end science in the Biomechanics field describes the gait or how you walk, jump or run in three dimensions accurately. It clearly describes your biomechanics combined with the force platform technology. The correct gait analysis will help relieve the pain and avoid injuries by moving efficiently.
So, check out the comprehensive guide to foot gait analysis to avoid any biomechanical abnormalities to move freely.
What is gait?
Gait is a general term to describe how feet and legs act while you walk, hop or run. Many factors affect it, including your weight moving from front to back and side to side, leg movement at the ankle, the way your foot twists and flexes, knee and hip. And the most critical factor is how the feet strike the ground and lift while you are off it. When the gait is normal, you can run, hop or walk with all the factors acting in a regular cycle for each step you take to repeat evenly and smoothly. The typical gait enables minimum energy while you walk or run and is economical. And many factors determine it, including the length, shape and strength of your joints and bones, the strength of the ligaments, muscles, and tendons, and how they all work together during your movement.
What causes abnormal foot gait?
Feet are magical machines to manage most of the time, transmitting the body weight to propel yourself around at different speeds to keep the balance connecting to the surface securely. However, alterations in your feet’ posture can cause unbearable pain even to the levels of disability. It may be because of the weak and improper joints to be not flexibility, weak neuromuscular coordination, and muscle losing balance and control. Hence, being unable to free-moving the joints causes many injuries. Also, it affects the efficient gait cycle to cause many biomechanical abnormalities like overpronation, over-supination, increased Q angle, pelvic tilt, and ankle equinus, among others.
A foot gait analysis by the specialist will diagnose, treat, and prevent pain and injury caused by an abnormal gait to walk, run, and jump with no worries.