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Pes Cavas (High Arch Foot)

High arch (pes Cavus) foot orthotics -blog JE Care

Pes Cavas (High Arch Foot)

Although less common than Pes Planus (flat foot), Pes Cavas (high arch foot) can be more troublesome. This condition is identified when a high arch (Pes Planus) or instep is notable. It normally occurs in both feet at a young age, however it can appear suddenly but this is usually due to injury or neuromuscular disease.

Pes Cavas (High Arch Foot) is likely to cause more problems for the patient as they age as the high arch does not allow for the weight on the plantar surface of the foot to be evenly distributed and causes excess stress to be placed on the heel and ball of the foot. This can lead to pain from the foot right up to the hips and lower back. The patient may develop hammer and claw toes and develop corns and calluses as a result of this.

High Arch foot pes cavus JE Care blog

The plantar surface of the foot to be evenly distributed and causes excess stress to be placed on the heel and ball of the foot.

Depending on the scale of the problem and the resulting issues it is causing there are various treatments available from wearing well-fitting shoes with good cushioning, keeping weight down to reduce stress on the foot, physiotherapy and treatment of corn or calluses which are causing additional discomfort.

Another beneficial treatment is the use of foot orthotics which can bring relief to sufferers.

Are you suffering from high arch foot and the associated pain and discomfort that comes with it?

We can Help!

JE Care can help with a wide range of foot conditions and have partnered with some of the best foot orthotics and arch support manufacturers in the U.K. Along with some of the best technology companies offering state of the art scanning devices. Unrivalled by any competitor is our ability to assess objectively the influence of orthotics not just on the feet but more importantly on the spine and pelvis.

Contact us to discuss your requirements in further detail or book now by calling 01245 961 261  or Email: clinic@jecare.co.uk

More information regarding treatment of Pes Cavas can be found here https://www.podiatrytoday.com/how-treat-high-arched-cavus-foot

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